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7 Tips to Successful Networking

Like jam and cream go hand in hand, so too does networking with running a successful business. But many of us dread walking into a room and introducing ourselves to a bunch of strangers. Here are some valuable tips that have worked for me over the years: 1. Get there...

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9 Customer Retention Strategies

The easiest way to grow your customers is not to lose them The average business loses around 20 percent of its customers annually simply by failing to attend to customer relationships. In some industries this leakage is as high as 80 percent. The cost, in either case,...

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Staying Motivated in Your Business

It's difficult to stay focused on your business goals when challenges arise and your determination is tested if you don't know why you're doing something. You need to know what you're fighting for, so you are focused and driven to keep pushing ahead. Knowing and...

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Time Management Personalities

The key to time management is knowing ourselves, as we can't actually "manage" time; all we can manage is our own behavior.For many of us this is more than enough of a challenge. While we claim that effective time management is a top priority and that we just have to...

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Polite ways to say No to customer suggestions…

If you’re fortunate enough to have customers who are rooting for you and your business, you’re probably going to need to train yourself to politely thank them for their ideas and not implement them. If you try to implement every bit of input from your customers, you...

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4 Useful Travel Resources

Have you ever stopped to consider how technology has impacted our lives, especially the way that we travel?  The information that we have at our fingertips via the internet not only make our travels easier, more comfortable and enjoyable, it can also help keep us...

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The Interior Designer, a Cushion Tosser

The Interior Designer, a Cushion Tosser When the film industry portray an “interior designer” images of Martin Short as Franck Eggelhoffer, the neurotic designer from Father of the Bride II come to mind. Designers’ are often portrayed as people who are egocentric,...

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Tips for Property Investors

1. When looking to invest talk to real life investors rather than sales people. 2. Know your borrowing capacity and research various states rather than staying in your own area or postcode. 3. Surround yourself with 'like minded' people when building your property...

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