6 Top Frequent Flyer Reward Programs

ezRez Software and the IdeaWorks Company this week launched an annual guide for understanding and maximising loyalty marketing after conducting a global survey which looks at airline reward seat availability.

SYDNEY – Virgin Blue is the best Australian airline at making reward seats available to its customers, according to this new survey as they finished fourth place overall.

Some frequent flier programs make good on their promise, to customers and the sponsoring airline whilst others create as much trouble as they do benefits for customers and for the airline.

These loyalty marketing programmes have become a crucial tool to reach the best customers, encourage consumer retention and generate millions in revenue.

Reward seat availability is a key measurement that the top customers use to assess the value of a frequent flier program.  When reward seats are lacking in availability consumers grumble in protest to friends, co-workers, and members of the media. Coming in just behind a la carte fees, reward seat shortages have become the number one complaint among savvy travelers worldwide according to survey results.

When Reward seats are plentiful, the love is returned many times over as consumers brag about their good fortune and heap praise for the gift of travel received from a favoured airline.

The survey results were:

Overall Reward Availability

1. Southwest 99.3%
2 Air Berlin 98.6%
3 Air Canada 93.6%
4 Virgin Blue 90.0%
5 Lufthansa/SWISS/Austrian 85.7%
6 Singapore Airlines 77.1%

Other scores

10 Qantas 72.9%
12 United Airlines 68.6%
14 Cathay Pacific 67.1%
15 British Airways 65.0%
19 Emirates 36.4%
22 US Airways 10.7%

It certainly pays to shop around for the benefits of any Rewards program you are considering joining.

For further information on how you can utilise your current Frequent Flyer Rewards please contact


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