The best way to make money online, bar none, is to have your own product to sell. Of course, it helps if that product is something needed, and if your niche is willing to shell out money for it. There are some important factors to look at when creating a product. Let’s take a look at how you can come up with your own wildly profitable product to sell online.

First and foremost, the biggest mistake most product creators make is creating a product first and attempting to find an audience second. You should actually go about this in reverse. Find a market, with an audience of thousands of people who want something, and then create a product to fit their needs. This is a simple tip, but the most important one as far as having a product that is profitable. Thousands of unwanted products sit online everyday and never make a sale. This problem could have been remedied with a little research first.

Secondly, try to find not only a market that wants something, but a market that wants it desperately! Information products do especially well on this point, and many of the most successful products are merely those that were marketed correctly to a desperate audience. As you may know, internet marketers are desperate to make money online. When was the last time you spent $97 on an e-book to help you do so? Teens and adults who suffer from excessive acne are desperate to learn about what lifestyle changes or miracle cures are available to clear up their skin. Someone worried about a pregnancy, a wedding, or a divorce would be desperate to get quick access to answers to the questions they have. Pick a desperate (or an irrationally exhuberant) audience and supply them with the answers they want, and your product will be a winner!

Finally, be prepared to step outside your comfort zone. Maybe you found a market for some information that is simply not within your knowledge zone. Spend a couple of days researching that topic, via Google, online forums, professional help articles, and through any other means at your disposal. What you will find is that in most cases, you can gather the data you need from many different sources and then piece it together into one cohesive product fairly easily. It’s not that most buyers couldn’t do the same thing, but they’re paying for the convenience of instant answers and not needing to research ad nauseum. If two days of research yields you ten years of product profits, isn’t that a worthy investment?

So keep in mind, the most important part of product creation is to discover a product that needs to be created! Find a market that is looking for something, and fulfill that need. Then begin your online marketing efforts, and watch the cash flow in! I wish you luck in your endeavours.

If you are interested in learning how to create your own profitable information products, then check out Product Profits Club – an online membership site where members learn how to develop info-products and software, including advanced modules on product research, outsourcing, promotion, pricing strategy and generating publicity. As a special for our valued readers and site visitors, we have secured a complimentary FREE Lifetime Silver Membership Pass to Product Profits Club. This membership is normally valued at $47, but you can access it for FREE today by clicking here: Product Profits Club Free Lifetime Silver Membership Pass.


Julie Warner
Author: Julie Warner

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