Try these ideas to get double duty out of a pair of pantyhose when you are next travelling:

1. Blister stopper for men and women — Cut the feet off of a pair of pantyhose at the ankles and wear them under your socks. They’ll cut down on the friction between your shoe and your foot, thus reducing your risk of blisters.

2. Lint mitt — Slip your hand into one leg and brush it against clothing to remove lint or deodorant marks. (It works just as well as a lint brush but it’s smaller and lighter to pack.)

3. Shoe shiner — Pantyhose are soft enough yet sturdy enough to gently polish your shoes.

4. Chigger, insect, and jellyfish sting protector — Wear pantyhose under your shorts or hiking pants to protect against chiggers or insect bites. You can also wear them in the water to protect from jellyfish stings if you’re swimming, fishing, or clamming.

5. Clothes line — Tie each toe of your pantyhose to something in your hotel room and use them as a clothes line… or slip a wet shoe into each leg and then hang your shoes over an air vent or open window to dry them out.

6. Pain reliever — Fill part of a leg with rice and use it as a microwaveable heat wrap for sore muscles. (Be sure not to microwave it too long and check that it’s not too hot.)

7. Camera lens filter — Stretch pantyhose over the end of your camera lens to create a blurred, “dreamy” effect. This won’t work for stock photos, but can make fun, fine art shots or portraits.

For further travel tips and ideas visit

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